West Area Panel

Actions of West Area Panel Meeting 18th May 2022

Deadline for staff to respond: 25 July 2022 midday





Provide a written response to the next meeting regarding the invoices for Muriel’s guttering repair.


Grant Richie[HB1] 



Confirm with Rosemary Whitehouse that investigation of residents contaminated water supply has been actioned.


Martin Reid[HB2] 


Update to be provided at the next meeting regarding Estate Inspection routes and frequency


Janet Dowdell[HB3] [JD4] [HB5] 

Justine Dowdell will attend the next AP and provide updates on the walkabouts. 

Martin Reid to follow up with Robert Walker to provide more detailed responses to questions on page 20 of February’s agenda, as published by Democratic Services. (Item 4.5: Weed Control Issue)


Martin Reid [HB6] 


Sam Warren to ask a member of Parking Services to attend the next meeting.


Sam Warren[HB7] 

Agreed at Agenda Setting that this item is no longer needed and Parking is now open for longer so not as much of an issue.

Sam Warren/Richard Wheeler to arrange meeting with CityClean regarding dog-waste bins in Greenleas Park.


Sam Warren [HB8] [SW9] / Richard Wheeler[HB10] 

Completed: Richard Wheeler met with resident (Muriel) and City Clean (Laszlo) on 6 June at Greenleas Park & Chalky Road Park to discuss issues and concerns raised. City Clean is working to action the issues raised and is planning on attending the Area Panel on Wednesday 17 August to provide an update.


Justine Harris to look into more frequent responses in regards to Environmental Improvement work.


Justine Harris[HB11] 


Justine Harris to look into details of Environmental Improvement work.


Justine Harris[HB12] 


Martin Reid to follow up on vacant homes and home relet times.


Martin Reid[HB13] 


Keely and Rosemary to understand what information is being requested by Alison and respond to her list of questions.


Keely McDonald[HB14] [KM15] 

In progress:


This is being followed up through the Estate Development Budget Task and Finish Group.









 [HB1]@Grant Ritchie

 [HB2]@Martin Reid

 [HB3]@Janet Dowdell

@Hannah Barker i will attend the next AP and provide updates on the walkabouts.  I believe there's a full response being provided by Helen Burrows? [JD4]

@Janet Dowdell I have put your update into the response. Please check and adjust if you wish. Links to all residents questions can be viewed Teams GRP AP res Q's > Files, Overview of RQ's - which might answer your question about Helen : https://brightonandhovecc.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/GRPAreaPanelResidentsQuestionsActions/Shared%20Documents/General/Overview%20of%20Resident%20Questions.xlsx?d=w06ea086929974650889386b2c09afbf9&csf=1&web=1&e=bH2UtH [HB5]

 [HB6]@Martin Reid

 [HB7]@Sam Warren

 [HB8]@Sam Warren [HB8]

@Richard Wheeler  [SW9] [SW9]

 [HB10]@Richard Wheeler [HB10]

 [HB11]@Justine Harris

 [HB12]@Justine Harris

 [HB13]@Martin Reid

 [HB14]@Keely McDonald – Keely – can you just check the response that is written here is relevant still for publishing for August AP papers ?

@Sam, could this be marked as complete following your discussion with Alison? [KM15]